Forest bathing, or “Shinrin-yoku,” is a calming meditation technique that emerged in Japan during the 1980s in response to increasing stress and health issues associated with urbanisation and technology.
Venture along the spectacular coastline where endemic wildlife like the Royal Albatross, penguins and sea lions inhabit rugged cliffs, stunning beaches and tranquil lagoons.
The Otago Peninsula is renowened as a natural night sky paradise, offering one of the best accessible locations close to a city for clear viewing of the Southern Stars, the awe-inspiring Milky Way and the colourful Aurora Australis.
Just beyond the Sanctuary’s boundaries lies the harbourside village of Portobello, with its friendly local businesses, eateries, well equipped convenience store, fuel stop, and local museum.
If urban adventures beckon, the city of Dunedin, originally established as a Scottish settlement, is easily accessible by car, bus, or bike for those looking to stay active.
Stay in one of our two independent, self-contained Eco Lodges: The Studio and The Treehouse. Each provides a comfortable private residence and a memorable stay on the Otago Peninsula.